Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Contemporary Literature (Is weird) - A commentary

I noticed that other than Asterios Polyp and Bus I couldn't really enjoy the other comics. I would end up reading pages repeatedly with the results of still not understanding what's happening.  What does it mean to be a "modern" comic. I see a reoccurring pattern that they're trying to aim for something different, but some just seem too out there and not clever enough.

The Bus by Paul Kirchner genuinely surprised me in a pleasant way. Each new comic had such clever twists and turns with no set story or plot. It always kept a consistent composition and reoccurring backgrounds making it like a sequential piece. Seriously, after every "ending" of the comic panels I'm just baffled by how clever they took the concept of something so simple and making it "fiction". The art style consists of very simple crisp lines and normally doesn't go over 3 tones and I really appreciate the simple aesthetics. The focus is the concept rather than the art in this situation.

Asterios Polyp by David Mazzucchelli seemed to be the opposite of The Bus. It's where style exploration was the focus rather than the story. The transitions and exploration of geometry, symmetry, and unity is shown through rough lines, soft organic, and just a lot of different styles within one comic. There probably was some sort of narrative I was unable to understand, but the ending was a silly ending and sort of made me have an "Oh come on!" reaction, which I found fun.

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